Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Twittering Away (Extra Post)


I hadn't realized that I am a litttttttttle behind in my tech task blog posts! Oops. So I need to talk about my experiences with Twitter today... Hmmm... What to say?

Today's Topics:

  1. My Thoughts on Social Media
  2. Twitter in the Classroom
  3. Twitter and the PLN

I have used Twitter for about two years now, so it's nothing new for me. I like it okay, but honestly - I am not a big social media person. Now, don't get me wrong - I love technology and I think it is very useful in the classroom. But in terms of social media, I would rather live my life in the moment, than spend it documenting the moment. And this does not only go for Twitter. I am RARELY on Facebook, and I don't use any of the new social media platforms that all the cool kids are using, like Instagram or Snapchat.

Twitter is good because it is concise and to-the-point. Because of this, I think it would make a great classroom tool. In an English classroom I can see myself using it to teach kids to write concisely, or to summarize. It would make a great, modern way to do exit slips as well.

In terms of my personal learning network, I have no doubt that the education professionals I have added to my Twitter page will have interesting and insightful tweets, and that they will share many fantastic resources. However, if I am being honest... I don't check as my Twitter feed as much as I should in order to gather these resources. This is something that, now that I am heading out into my career, I am going to make an effort to work on. Even though, as I've said, I am a bit of a humbug when it comes to social media.

Bottom line: Twitter is a great social media platform - I'm just not that into social media. But I realize its value as a professional, and so I am going to try harder.

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