Topics for today:
- The Slow Loris's technological endeavor
- My growing love for i-anything
- Cats (I love cats) and Oatmeal
The Slow Loris is a name I gave my mother about three years ago after showing her a really cute YouTube clip involving a slow loris (which is actually an animal) getting tickled. There are three reasons why I gave her this nickname: 1) she really enjoyed the video, 2) her name is Lori, and 3) she is slow.
Being that she is slow, I found it quite a amusing when, last week, she told me she wanted an iPhone. My mom has a flip phone that she just recently learned how to text on... using ABC not T9... She told me she was coming into Brandon and picking me up, so that I may join her on her quest for acquiring foreign technology. Let it be noted that, when she explained all of this to me on the phone, I asked her if she was at the end of her MTS contract with her flip phone, and if she was good to go with getting an iPhone. She said yes. Well, when we got to MTS we found out that she was one year into a three year contract.Silly Loris. This was devastating news for her. For another two years, she could not listen to music. She could not surf the internet. She could not be friends with Siri. I'm actually really upset that she was unable to get an iPhone, because, though it would be somewhat (really) annoying to receive 15-25 calls/text messages a day asking how the heck to use the darn thing, it would also be extremely entertaining. My mom is actually hilarious in how incapable she is with technology. Over the summer, she actually asked me how to turn on a computer... Yes, that's right. Until the summer, she had not gotten past turning the computer on.
But The Loris is not one to give up, and she now has her heart set on an iPad. So stay tuned.
Now I am going to take some time to express my love for my new iPhone. I got it three days ago and I have been loving every minute of it. I instantly downloaded Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, iBooks, and iTalk, making my device a lean, mean, educational machine. I am using Instagram to edit pictures to post onto my ePortfolio (and to edit and post embarrassing pictures of my friends on Twitter), Pinterest to look up sweet lesson plans (and fashion ideas), YouTube to find educational videos for my upcoming placements (and to look up KidSnippets), iBooks to read the classics of English Literature (and The Hunger Games...), and iTalk to brainstorm and record ideas for my upcoming digital short story assignment (and to record funny noises and hold them up to Trent's ear when he's trying to watch TV).
I am so excited by the endless possibilities as far as apps (both educational and otherwise) are concerned. I am also finding the the picture, sound, and voice recognition quality (I heart Siri) are WAY better than what I had with my Blackberry. I must admit that initially I was a bit of a hater, but now that I have experienced the iPhone first hand, I would never go back. BUT my feelings towards Apple go beyond the iPhone... I am now in the process of straining my brain to find ways of affording a MacBook (sorry faithful Toshiba that has lasted me 3.5 years and only gone in for repairs 7 times...).
So I realize that this entire blog posting has been a bit of a stretch... Regardless, I am going to stretch it out even more :) Speaking of cats... and my mom... I really enjoy this website called TheOatmeal. It has lots of funny cartoons, some of which would actually be great for the classroom (though most would be wildly inappropriate). For example, there are numerous grammar and spelling cartoons that are available in poster form for the classroom! Anyways, I was on TheOatmeal site the other day, when I found that they came out with a new book containing numerous cat cartoons ("How to tell if your cat it plotting to kill you"). So I ordered one for myself and one for my mom - which was an excellent decision. I just thought you should know about it.
That concludes this week's blog posting... no... wait... THIS concludes this week's blog posting:
(Yes, this is a picture of Benni laying on my neck/face as I was writing this blog post).
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